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Chinese Symbolic Food

Hello everyone… do you like Chinese food? Do you that Chinese food has several meaning or symbol that influence the demand of the food. This time I want to tell you about come Chinese food meaning or symbol. Here we go…

1. Noodle
Chinese Symbolic Food
Image taken from: foodnavigator-asia

For Chinese, noodle is the symbol of long life. When you eat noodle, it’s not good to cut off the noodle. The story said that cut the noodle will give you bad luck. So, if you eat noodle it will be good if you don’t cut the noodle.

2. Spring Rolls

chinese symbolic food
Image taken from: myontherocks
Because the shape of spring rolls are similar with the golden bar, this food become the symbol of wealth.

3. Lettuce Wrap

Some Chinese food are wrapped with lettuce. Lettuce become the symbol of rising fortune because in Cantonese word for lettuce sounds like rising fortune, so it is very common to serve a lettuce wrap filled with other lucky food.

4. Fish

In Chinese language the word for fish is ‘Yu’. In chinese language ‘Yu’ also means wish and abundance. In the New Year most of Chinese people serve a full fish (with a head and tail), it’s the symbol of the abundance from the beginning until the ending of the new year.
chinese symbolic food
Image taken from: 1zoom2

5. Steamed Cake
Image taken from: galleryhip

Cakes such as Sticky Rice Cake have symbolic significance on many levels. Their sweetness symbolizes a rich, sweet life, while the layers symbolize rising abundance for the coming year. Finally, the round shape signifies family reunion.

After we know about some food that become a symbol of wish, now the foods are not only something to full my body. But foods are something to express our hope. Because life is beautiful, and the food also.

See you next time…

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