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The History of Mantou

Good day guys… how was your day? I hope everything that you face can make your day.
My Chinese friend ever told me that he was really bored with the same bread for breakfast every day for a week, when I asked him what kind of bread is that, he said it was mantou. Actually that day I really want to eat mantou because in the same day my Chinese teacher told me about this food, and I thought this white and soft steamed buns is so much interesting. But for my friend as a Chinese mantou is a staple food that he eats every day.

How To Make Mantou
image from: taiwantrade

When the first time I see this steamed buns name in Chinese character (馒头) i just wonder why there is character of head (头) in the name of the buns, and I think the shape of the buns are not similar with the head.
Well, in fact this buns are have such an interesting history. According to Ming Dynasty scholar Lang Yin, the original name for mantou was barbarian’s head. In the story, Chancellor Zhuge Liang went on the battle to suppress the Southern barbarians and won. On his way back, he and his army need to cross the Lu River. Lu River had a big stormy waves. The people told them that they need to throw 50 human heads to please the river god, so they would be allowed to cross the river.

Chancellor Zhuge Liang didn’t want to shed more blood, so instead he ordered his soldiers to kill some of their animal and put the meat into the flour dough in the shape of a head. Then they throw the head buns to the river as fake heads. So, they can cross the river safely.
I think it was a good story, because the buns were born from the good thoughts of Zhuge Lian. I think you really need to try this buns someday, and enjoy the feeling that the buns that you eat also eaten by the river god in the past.
Have a nice day…
See you next time…

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