The Benefit of Mineral Water
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Image taken from: physorg |
Who doesn't know mineral water? Who doesn't drink mineral water? Even infant drink minral water. We are all familiar with it, every day and wvery hour we will at lest drin one bottle of it. But do we know what does it really do to our body? Let's find out!
● Losing Weight: losing weight is one benefit that mineral water can bring. Mineral water is fat and calories free. Beside, it helps your body stay dehydrated and makes you feel healthy. It also helps your body process the food that you consume faster.
● Improve Bone Healt: Mineral water consist of calcium that is crucial for our bones density, preventing bone illness.
● Lower Blood Pressure: the magnesium in water helps those who have hypertension. It is proven by a research that consuming mineral water helps you decrease blood pressure over time.
● Lowing LDL Cholesterol: LDL Cholesterol is a dangerous Cholesterol and also is the largest factor for humans to develop a heart problem. People who consume mineral water regularlywill find their cholesterol lowering in time. Also, the potasium and magnesium in mineral water helps the function of the heart.
● Aid Indegestion: mineral water is also a great source of Sulfates. Sulfates is the largest factor of a good digestion. It helps to stimulate the pancreas to release enzymes to help the body digest the food.
● Muscles Performance: again, the magnesium in water also helps the muscles performance. The magnesium helps the muscles to relax and contract better.
● Reduce Kidney Stone Risk: increasing your intake in fluids help you prevent the forming of kidney stone. The calcium and magnesium in mineral water helps to decrease the concetrate of calcium oxylate (the factor of kidney stone).
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Image taken from: dropsofbalance |
That's all from me today guys, tell us what to write next in the comment section. Don' t forget to drink your water today!! At least 8 glass per day to keep your body healthy and going!! Until nect time! BYE!
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