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The History of Pasta

hello guys, did you enjoy your activities today? Did you get a lot of interesting things today? Well, not like the other day happily today I got more ‘me time’ for me. And used my ‘me time’ to watch my favorite movie. That’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Did you watch the movie? I’m sure you did. That’s really make my whole mood back. Such a great way to fill your spare time by watching your special movie.
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In this time, I want to share about the history of pasta. I already posted some recipe about pasta, and if we can know the story behind our delightful pasta it will be perfect. Here we go…

There is a famous legend about the history of pasta. Some of the peoples know that pasta was importing from China by Marco Polo during the 13th century, which originated with the Macaroni Journal, published by an association of food industries with the goal of promoting the use of pasta in the United States. But in the other side, pasta was already popular in many area in Italy long before Marco Polo expedition. Because of this idea, many people consider that Marco Polo was not the first to introduce pasta to Italy. There is also the story that the first who introduced pasta to Italy was Arabs introduced pasta in the Emirate of Sicily in the ninth century.

Once it reached the Mediterranean the process was refined, and durum wheat became the ingredient of choice for pasta flour because of its high gluten content and long shelf life. When durum wheat pasta is dried, it lasts indefinitely, making it a very convenient food to store. Over time, because of pasta’s affordability, shelf life, and versatility, it became firmly rooted in Italian culture.

Now days, we are also familiar with dried pasta. Because dried pasta can make us easier to make pasta. Dried pasta is usually made from semolina, or purified durum wheat. Semolina isn’t overly absorbent, which makes for great al dente style pasta. It also has a long shelf life, unlike fresh pasta.
Well, these are the story about our favorite pasta. And because there is the story about pasta that brought from China. Tomorrow I will share about Chinese noodle. Stay tune..
Have a great day everyone…

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